Monday, August 31, 2009


Dr. Miller asked us in class to write a blog as to why Public Relations was our major of choice. I wish I had a long drawn out story as to why I chose this major, but its an simple answer. I grew up loving Sex and the City, and Samantha Jones was one great PR woman. PR to me was partying, staying out late, wearing the best clothes, and knowing everyone. But as I came to GC&SU, Dr. Miller has shown me a brand new PR world.
I always knew that Mass Communication was going to be my major, but I was not sure exactly what direction I wanted to go. I enjoyed writing and designing in high school, so I figured PR would be my best bet! I wasn't positive as to exactly what it was, but I think I have a pretty good hold on it now. I also decided to choose PR because anything is possible with this degree. I'm not loking for an 8-5 desk job. I want to be in the field and putting my skills to use. I love a challenge and I think this major will be full of many!