I could not be more proud of my classmates and all of their hard work to make the Kickoff Dinner for Baldwin County's 2010 Relay For Life a huge success! It would not have been as wonderful without everyones help because each person had a major contribution that obviously proved to pay off! The candles set up around the room (Tori), the AMAZING cupcakes (Marianna), beautiful slideshow (Keri & Andrea), and all the food that was donated (Brooke) is only the start of how great the evening went.
I was a part of the decorations committee under Cara Wilmer and I really enjoyed it. We all got along great and worked together to to come up with some of the best ideas we could. Painting boxes, wrapping boxes, making a banner, and setting up the table place settings were all something I took apart in and I was glad to be a help.
Personally, I thought the room looked beautiful. It was very elegant with black and white and the purple and pink accents really made the room stand out. It was hard to picture in my head what exactly it was going to look like, but it turned out great.

Our class was also very concerned about food. The last thing we wanted was to run out of food. It is always better to have more than enough so we got enough food to feed about 130 people. However, we had TONS of leftovers! All the guests were welcome to as much food and candy as they wanted.
Attendance of team captains was also another obstacle we had to battle. Getting the awareness out about this event was one of our main goals. Press releases, invitations, flyers, and radio ads were all some of the PR work we had done to spread awareness. Almost all the seats were full in that church banquet room and it put a smile on all of our faces.
Last but not least, I believe one of the biggest accomplishments of this PR Admin class is the bond, trust, and respect we all have began to see in each other. Some of these girls have shocked me with all their talent and I am proud to have worked with them. We all worked together as a team and provided encouragement when someone needed it. It was a great experience and can't wait for next semester!!