Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog Action Day - Climate Change 2009

After reading all of the details on the Blog Action Day website it has definitely won me over. I think it is a great idea and think everyone should take a stand and get involved. It allows the whole world to state their opinion and be heard.

The subject of this years Blog Action Day is Climate Change and how it is affecting our world today. To be honest, the only times I think about the climate and weather is when I am deciding what clothes to wear or if I need an umbrella or not. However, whether we realize it or not the climate plays a huge role in our everyday lives. In recent years we have suffered from many natural disasters caused by climate and weather. Hurricane Katrina left unthinkable damage to New Orleans, hail damage left many families needing new roofs, and most recently the flooding in Atlanta. I know it's silly to think that climate change has anything to do with this...but what if we are wrong? Small continous damage can lead to big repercussions.

Small and simple adjustments can make a huge difference. As a Public Relations student in a college town, I believe that a simple campaign is the first leap in making our world a better place. Educating students and community members is the first step and it can only grow from there. We have the ability to reach the public and send out a positive message, so why don't we? Why don't we put climate change in a positive light to show everyone that small adjustments can go along way. Walk to class for a week instead of drive. Open your windows instead of turning on the AC.

Small adjustments can go a long way...

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