Thursday, September 17, 2009


Social responsibility and ethical issues has been a strong topic in my classes for the last few weeks. Public Relations professionals will deal with social responsibility issues on an everyday basies. But how does one define making an ethical decision? How does one know what is socially responsible? It all boils down to knowing the difference between right and wrong. For example, McDonalds is known as one of the most socially responsible corporations in the world. Everything from their community involvement to their commercials bring a positive light on this restaurant. For my advertising class we were asked to research top corporations and give our take on what we thought was socially responsible. McDonalds was one that I researched and I could not seem to find one flaw. Yeah of course McDonalds is probably not the best food for you in the world and it should not be eaten everyday, but there are HUNDREDS of things our there that should not be eaten everyday. There was a lawsuit that came out a few years ago involving a young child. Her family was suing McDonalds for her obesity. NO WHERE does McDonalds promote obesity or an unhealthy lifestyle. Their website is full of all the nutritional information and healthier lifestyle choices. The menu has also adopted many healthy food options such as salads and apples as a side instead of fries.

There is good and bad in every company, but it is important that the PR professionals promote the good and send out a positive message. The ethical decisions and social decisions made by big companies can make or break them.

But the questions boils back down to what is being socially respronsible? It is not a black and white answer. In fact, it contains alot of grey. But as a PR professional, it is our job to know the grey area like the back of our hand. It is our job to know the difference between right and wrong and to always send out a positive message.....even when the positive is hard to find.

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